See included Docs\DynDOLOD_Manual.html 'TVDT - Occlusion Data' section. The data is used to disable distant occluded object and terrain LOD meshes behind other terrain LOD meshes for better performance. Starting with DynDOLOD 2.70 the Skyrim TVDT Occlusion data of cell records can be update/generated. SKSE64 and SkyUI are already requirements for Enderal SE / included in the Steam version. install the required billboards (see manual). Start the tools in Skyrim Special Edition mode with the - sse command line argument, the mod will automatically be discovered. Starting with DynDOLOD 2.90 the mod Enderal SE is supported. Start the tools with the -enderalse command line argument. Starting with DynDOLOD 2.95 the Steam version of Enderal SE is supported.
As always users are asked to provide feedback and report compatibility issues with mods. Until that can be easily resolved there is no pro-active testing and support of mods. This is called beta because Skyrim Special Edition is still plagued by mods triggering large reference bugs. It is fully feature compatible with the Skyrim version. Start by reading the Quickstart.html in the Standalone download. It is for experienced users that can RTFM and know how to mod. DynDOLOD beta for Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim VR and Enderal SE | Skyrim/Enderal | What is DynDOLOD? | DynDOLOD FAQĭynDOLOD is the advanced but also easier version of xLODGen for object and tree LOD generation.